[Transferring costumes to Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate] All of the costumes downloaded for Dead or Alive 5 are available for use within Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate. Check here for more information on transferring DLC for Dead or Alive 5 over to Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate. |
Costume Packs Round 10 PS3® / PS Vita / Xbox360® ( 7. 16. 2013 )
*Those of you who purchased the Cheerleader Costumes or the Hot Getaway Packs on PlayStation®Store for Dead or Alive 5 Plus on PlayStation®Vita can download the same content for the PlayStation®3 version of the game as well.
Similarly, if you purchased the Cheerleader Costumes or the Hot Getaway Packs on PlayStation®Store for Dead or Alive 5 (Ver 1.03A+) on PlayStation®3, then you can download them for the PlayStation®Vita version of the game.
Similarly, if you purchased the Cheerleader Costumes or the Hot Getaway Packs on PlayStation®Store for Dead or Alive 5 (Ver 1.03A+) on PlayStation®3, then you can download them for the PlayStation®Vita version of the game.
Hot Getaway Pack 1 PS3® , PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP *
This pack contains costumes for the following characters: Kasumi, Kokoro, Helena, Sarah
Hot Getaway Pack 2PS3® , PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP *
This pack contains costumes for the following characters: Hitomi, Leifang, Lisa, PaiHot Getaway Pack 3PS3® , PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP *
This pack contains costumes for the following characters: Ayane, Christie, Tina, MilaHot Getaway SetPS3® , PS Vita : $12.99 / Xbox 360® : 1040MSP *
Get all of the Hot Getaway costumes in one convenient set!
* These packs contain costumes that were previously released in April, 2013.
Cheerleader Kasumi *
PS3® , PS Vita : $0.99 / Xbox360 : 80MSP
This is an additional costume for Kasumi.
PS3® , PS Vita : $0.99 / Xbox360 : 80MSP
Cheerleader Ayane *
PS3® , PS Vita : $0.99 / Xbox360 : 80MSP
This is an additional costume for Ayane.
PS3® , PS Vita : $0.99 / Xbox360 : 80MSP
Cheerleader Hitomi *
PS3® , PS Vita : $0.99 / Xbox360 : 80MSP
This is an additional costume for Hitomi.
PS3® , PS Vita : $0.99 / Xbox360 : 80MSP
Cheerleader Kokoro *
PS3® , PS Vita : $0.99 / Xbox360 : 80MSP
This is an additional costume for Kokoro.
PS3® , PS Vita : $0.99 / Xbox360 : 80MSP
PS3® , PS Vita : $0.99 / Xbox360 : 80MSP
Cheerleader Helena *
PS3® , PS Vita : $0.99 / Xbox360 : 80MSP
This is an additional costume for Helena.
PS3® , PS Vita : $0.99 / Xbox360 : 80MSP
PS3® , PS Vita : $0.99 / Xbox360 : 80MSP
Cheerleader Set - 10 Characters *
PS3® , PS Vita : $8.99 / Xbox360 : 720MSP
This set contains costumes for the following 10 characters: Kasumi, Ayane, Tina, Hitomi, Kokoro, Leifang, Mila, Helena, Christie, Lisa
PS3® , PS Vita : $8.99 / Xbox360 : 720MSP
* Note: Some portions of this content were made available as preorder bonuses for the disc version of Dead or Alive 5 Plus in certain regions and stores.
Costume & video set PS Vita (4.16.2013 - 5.13.2013) The special price offer has ended.
* Hot Getaway Set costumes purchased for Dead or Alive 5 Plus on PlayStation®Vita from PSStore can be downloaded on PlayStation®3 as Cross-Goods.
Private Getaway Set PS Vita : $16.99
The sexy DOA ladies fight hard and play hard in sizzling hot island getaway costumes! Then they take a little break on the sand and surf of Zack Island! Get all 12 Hot Getaway costumes and a set of sexy videos of all the ladies of Dead or Alive!
This set contains 12 Hot Getaway costumes (Kasumi, Ayane, Kokoro, Leifang, Hitomi, Tina, Helena, Christie, Mila, Lisa, Sarah, and Pai) and 10 Private Paradise videos (Kasumi, Ayane, Kokoro, Leifang, Hitomi, Tina, Helena, Christie, Mila, and Lisa).
Hot Getaway costumes
Private Paradise videos
Costume Packs Round 9 PS3® (2.19.2013)
PS Vita (3.19.2013)
Xbox 360® (2.26.2013)

Fighter Pack PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
Get your fight on with these 11 new costumes straight from the ring!This set contains costumes for the following characters: Hayabusa, Brad Wong, Jann Lee, Bayman, Gen Fu, Hayate, Rig, Eliot, Bass, Zack, Akira
The special price offer has ended on 5/31/2013. As of 6/1/2013, the DLC will be offered at the regular price listed along with the pack or set name. Thank you for your understanding.
Hotties Swimwear & Zack Island Stage PS3® (1.22.2013)
PS Vita (3.19.2013)
Xbox 360® (2.26. 2013)

* Xbox 360 : Release dates may be subject to change
Zack Island PS3®, PS Vita / Xbox 360® : 
A new stage set in a tropical paradise.
* This stage is available for free download after you install the Ver.1.03 title update.
Hotties Swimwear Pack 1 PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
Swimsuits for Kasumi, Kokoro, Helena & Sarah.
Hotties Swimwear Pack 2 PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
Swimsuits for Hitomi, Leifang, Mila & Pai.
Hotties Swimwear Pack 3 PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
Swimsuits for Ayane, Christie, Tina & Lisa.
Hotties Swimwear Set PS3®, PS Vita : $12.99 / Xbox 360® : 1040MSP
All the costumes from Hotties Swimwear Packs 1, 2 & 3.
The special price offer has ended on 5/31/2013. As of 6/1/2013, the DLC will be offered at the regular price listed along with the pack or set name. Thank you for your understanding.
Costume Packs Round 7 PS3® (12.18.2012)
PS Vita (3.19.2013)
Xbox 360® (12.18.2012)

Nice Girls 2 PS3®, PS Vita : $2.99 / Xbox 360® : 240MSP
Santa Claus brings some Christmas cheer to three nice girls of Dead or Alive 5.
This pack contains Santa costumes for Kokoro, Helena and Sarah
Naughty Girls 2 PS3®, PS Vita : $2.99 / Xbox 360® : 240MSP
Jolly old St. Nick warmed up to three naughty girls of Dead or Alive. No coal in their stockings!This pack contains Santa costumes for Mila, Lisa and Pai
Lil' Santas 2 PS3®, PS Vita : $2.99 / Xbox 360® : 240MSP
Santa's been working out! Six little boys from Dead or Alive 5 put on Santa's costume for some Christmas fun.This pack contains Santa costumes for Zack, Eliot, Brad Wong, Gen Fu, Rig and Bass (Mr.Strong)
Christmas Set 2 PS3®, PS Vita : $7.99 / Xbox 360® : 640MSP
Get all the costumes from Nice Girls 2, Naughty Girls 2 and Lil' Santas 2 in one package - 12 costumes in all!This set contains costumes for Kokoro, Helena, Sarah, Mila, Lisa, Pai, Zack, Eliot, Brad Wong, Gen Fu, Rig and Bass (Mr.Strong)
Costume Packs Round 6 PS3® (12.18.2012)
PS Vita (3.19.2013)
Xbox 360® (12.11.2012)

Important notice regarding the "Nice Girls", "Naughty Girls", and "Lil' Santas" downloadable content for Xbox 360®

Nice Girls PS3®, PS Vita : $2.99 / Xbox 360® : 240MSP
Santa Claus brings some Christmas cheer to three nice girls of Dead or Alive 5.This pack contains Santa costumes for Kasumi, Hitomi and Leifang
Naughty Girls PS3®, PS Vita : $2.99 / Xbox 360® : 240MSP
Jolly old St. Nick warmed up to three naughty girls of Dead or Alive. No coal in their stockings!This pack contains Santa costumes for Ayane, Christie and Tina
Lil' Santas PS3®, PS Vita : $2.99 / Xbox 360® : 240MSP
Santa's been working out! Six little boys from Dead or Alive 5 put on Santa's costume for some Christmas fun.This pack contains Santa costumes for Hayabusa, Jann Lee, Bayman, Bass and Hayate, Akira
Round 6 Costumes - Full Set PS3®, PS Vita : $7.99 / Xbox 360® : 640MSP
Get all the costumes from Nice Girls, Naughty Girls and Lil' Santas in one package - 12 costumes in all!This set contains costumes for Kasumi, Hitomi, Leifang, Ayane, Christie, Tina, Hayabusa, Jann Lee, Bayman, Bass, Hayate and Akira
Costume Packs Round 5 PS3® (11.27.2012)
PS Vita (3.19.2013)
Xbox 360® (11.27.2012)

China Pack PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
New costumes for Helena, Jann Lee, Brad Wong and Gen Fu.
Special Set 3 PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
New costumes for Kasumi, Mila, Zack and Christie.
Formal Wear PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
New costumes for Leifang, Tina, Eliot and Bass.
Round 5 Costumes - Full Set PS3®, PS Vita : $12.99 / Xbox 360® : 1040MSP
A single pack containing the China Pack, Special Set 3 and Formal Wear costume packs.
Costume Packs Round 4 PS3® (11.13.2012)
PS Vita (3.19.2013)
Xbox 360® (11.13.2012)

Angels PS3®, PS Vita : $2.99 (Available December 4) / Xbox 360® : 240MSP
New costumes for Kasumi, Hitomi and Leifang.
* Note: some portions of this content were made available as preorder bonuses for the disc version.
Devils PS3®, PS Vita : $2.99 (Available December 4) / Xbox 360® : 240MSP
New costumes for Ayane, Christie and Tina.
* Note: some portions of this content were made available as preorder bonuses for the disc version.
DOATEC Divas PS3®, PS Vita : $2.99 (Available December 4) / Xbox 360® : 240MSP
New costumes for Kokoro, Lisa and Helena.
* Note: some portions of this content were made available as preorder bonuses for the disc version.
Round 4 Costumes - Full Set PS3®, PS Vita : $7.99 (Available now)
A single pack containing the Angels, Devils and DOATEC Divas.
* Note: some portions of this content were made available as preorder bonuses for the disc version.
Player's Swimwear Pack 1 PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
New costumes for Kasumi, Kokoro, Helena and Sarah.
*Note: these costumes are the ones included in the Collector's Edition.
Player's Swimwear Pack 2 PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
New costumes for Hitomi, Leifang, Mila and Pai Chan.
*Note: these costumes are the ones included in the Collector's Edition.
Player's Swimwear Pack 3 PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
New costumes for Ayane, Christie, Tina and Lisa.
*Note: these costumes are the ones included in the Collector's Edition.
Player's Swimwear Set PS3®, PS Vita : $12.99 / Xbox 360® : 1040MSP
A single pack containing all of the costumes from Player's Swimwear Packs 1-3.
*Note: these costumes are the ones included in the Collector's Edition.
Costume Packs Round 3 PS3® (10.30.2012)
PS Vita (3.19.2013)
Xbox 360® (10.30.2012)

Gym Class PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
New costumes for Kasumi, Ayane, Hitomi and Kokoro.
Uniform PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
New costumes for Kasumi, Ayane, Hitomi and Kokoro.
Special Set 2 PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
New costumes for Ayane, Hayate, Mila and Leifang.
Round 3 Costumes - Full Set PS3®, PS Vita : $12.99 / Xbox 360® : 1040MSP
A single pack containing the Gym Class Pack, Uniform Pack and Special costume packs.Costume Packs Round 2 PS3® (10.16.2012)
PS Vita (3.19.2013)
Xbox 360® (10.16.2012)

Kitty Pack PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
New costumes for Helena, Christie, Tina and Lisa.
What a Character PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
New costumes for Hitomi, Mila, Rig and Lisa.
Special Set PS3®, PS Vita : $4.99 / Xbox 360® : 400MSP
New costumes for Kasumi, Leifang, Hayabusa and Lisa.
Dead or Alive 5 Round 2 Costumes - Full Set PS3®, PS Vita : $12.99 / Xbox 360® : 1040MSP
A single pack containing the Kitty Pack, What a Character and Special costume packs.