Now Looking for Original Halloween Costume Designs!
Would you like to design your own costumes for your favorite characters to wear? We will do it again this year to respond to your expectation!
Design your own Halloween costume for the characters you love! Selected designs are planned for worldwide release in October 2017.※1
10 selected designers will receive prizes from TEAM NINJA and KOEI TECMO GAMES.※2
We are looking forward to seeing your great designs!
※1: The schedule might be changed without any prior notice.
※2: Team NINJA and KOEI TECMO GAMES may ask your address for prize delivery.
<< Examples from the last Designers Challenge >>
How to participate
Please submit your design in one of following methods.
Official email:
Please include "DOACostumes" for the email subject
Please tweet us at @TeamNINJAStudio with #DOACostumes hashtag
*Twitter is not responsible for any problems or issues that may arise during this campaign.
Please send your designs to Dead or Alive Game (the official DOA Facebook account)
*Facebook is not responsible for any problems or issues that may arise during this campaign.
Submission Format
○ Please submit only in jpg format.
○ There is no file size restriction.
○ File name must be "character name_designer's name.jpg"
Submission deadline 
05/07/2017 (Sun) Japan Standard Time
Official Rules
○ You must be at 17 years or older.
○ You can enter as many costumes as you want for any characters you want.
○ Please submit your design in JPG/JPEG format.
○ There are no restrictions on what tools can be used for the designs (can be hand drawn, 3D renders, 2D digital images, etc).
○ The design must be original works and not copies of existing designs.
○ Please mention which character do you think your design is for.
Please design your costume based on following characters:
Kasumi / Ayane / Kokoro / Hitomi / Leifang / Tina / La Mariposa / Helena / Mila / Sarah / Pai / Momiji / Rachel / Alpha - 152 / Marie Rose / Phase 4 / Nyotengu / Honoka / Naotora Ii / Hayabusa / Hayate / Jann Lee / Zack / Eliot / Brad Wong / Bayman / Rig / Bass / Gen Fu / Akira / Ein / Leon / Jacky / Raidou
We will not accept any designs created by an illegal CG model, by editing existing design.
○ KOEI TECMO GAMES has the right to remodel any designs that are provided. Remodeling includes, but not limited to, Altering the design, changing the color, adding some elements, and removing some elements.
○ The design may be used for a different character than the original author intended to or for other characters in different titles.
○ The design cannot be in violation of existing laws or copyrights, such as Tekken or Street Fighter outfits. It has to be your own creation. We will not accept entries that infringe copyright.
○ The design may not be racist, pornographic, homophobic, or hateful in nature.
○ Any designs submitted will become property of KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD., and by participating in this contest you grant KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD. and its parent company TECMO KOEI HOLDINGS CO., LTD. the rights to use such designs for commercial and/or promotional purposes without compensation.
○ All contents KOEI TECMO GAMES releases not limited to graphic, icon, visuals, digital contents, editied data, software are our own properties and are protected by copy right low worldwide.
○ This campaign might be delayed or cancelled without any prior notification.
○ We do not accept any designs created by the CG model which is illegally being compiled from DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round or other series titles with 3rd party software. In addition any infringement of another existing interectual property, copyright and similar rights at all.
○ KOEI TECMO GAMES and Team NINJA will not choose winner via popular vote at this time.
○ When you send or post your design, you fully acknowledge that you agree with all the terms and conditions listed above and are fully responsible for any legal or similar issues that may arise from your participation in this campaign.