Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Dead or Alive 5 Plus Dead or Alive 5
Online Multiplayer × × ×
Carrying Over DLC
If you have DLC from Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate installed, you are able to download it again from your platform's online store. Please refer to Q2 under the section "Carrying Over Data" on the FAQ page for more details on this process.
*Costumes newly purchased in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round cannot be used with Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate.

DLC purchased for Dead or Alive 5 Plus can be used if it is carried over into Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate first.
Please check here for more details.

DLC purchased for Dead or Alive 5 can be used if it is carried over into Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate first.
Please check here for more details.
Carrying Over Save Data
You can carry over the following types of data:
・System Voice
・Time Attack
・Breast Motion: OMG

・Consecutive logins
Data such as costumes and titles that were unlocked by using a Cross-Save with Dead or Alive 5 Plus cannot be carried over.

Your data for Dead or Alive 5 can be used if it is carried over into Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate first.
Please check here for more details.